Monday, October 5, 2009

A Kid Beats the NY Times, AP, & Reuters While Sitting in Her Pajamas in Her Parents' Basement

. Monday, October 5, 2009

The wonderful Amanda Taub of the wonderful Wronging Rights discovers that the NY Times, Associated Press, and Reuters were (likely) taken in by a hoax perpetrated by a fictional character with ties to a Darfuri rebel leader. The story is phenomenal, and comes in three parts:

Part I: Who Is Abu Sharati, and Why Am I the Only One Asking That Question?

Part II: Who Is Abu Sharati, and Why Is the Mainstream Media Quoting Him Without a Good Answer to That Question?

Part III: Who Is Abu Sharati, and Does It Even Matter (Yes. Yes, It Does)

Please read the whole thing.

(The reference to pajamas and basements comes from this).


A Kid Beats the NY Times, AP, & Reuters While Sitting in Her Pajamas in Her Parents' Basement




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